Graduate Student Service Appointments (GSSA) Salaries
(effective 7/1/22 – 6/30/23)

GSSA appointments are for students who are also enrolled to take courses. See 2022-23 Graduate Student Variable RA Rates on the Graduate School website for more details. For all GSSA appointments (standard and department variable), project 2% increase for FY16 and beyond. For additional guidance, contact the Office of Fellowships and Awards, 206.543.7152 or email

2022-23 Variable Rate RA Schedules, Salary / Monthly Rate, 50% FTE

Department Premaster Intermediate Candidate
Schedule 1&3 Schedule 2 Schedule 1&3 Schedule 2 Schedule 1&3 Schedule 2
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences $2,664 $4,497 $2,861 $4,694 $3,076 $4,909
Atmospheric and Climate Science** $3,053 $4,886 $3,242 $5,075 $3,484 $5,317
Earth & Space Sciences $2,664 $4,497 $2,861 $4,694 $3,076 $4,909
Oceanography $3,053 $4,886 $3,176 $5,009 $3,284 $5,117
All Other Departments $2,586 $4,419 $2,779 $4,612 $2,986 $4,819


  • These rates are effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 for graduate students in the departments listed.
  • **Salary rates are effective September 16, 2022 through June 30, 2023.
  • To determine which Schedule to use, see the Graduate School’s Information about Salary Schedules and Administration webpage.
  • See also the TA/RA Schedules on the Graduate School’s website, specifically the 2022-23 Regular Salary Schedules.

Graduate Research Student Assistant (GRSA) Hourly Pay Rates (effective 7/1/22 – 9/15/22 and 6/16/23 – 6/30/23)

Graduate Student Research Assistants (GRSAs) are summer hourly RA appointments used for student employees who are not registered for courses. They are not eligible for health insurance or tuition/fees benefits. See the Graduate School’s Information about Salary Schedules and Administration webpage for more details and the Summer GRSA Salary Schedule.

2020 & 2021 Hourly GRSA Pay Rates (effective 7/1/19 – 9/15/20 and 6/16/21 – 6/30/21 only)

Job Title
Department Premaster Intermediate Candidate
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences $36.33 $39.01 $41.95
Atmospheric and Climate Science $41.63 $44.21 $47.51
Earth and Space Sciences $36.33 $39.01 $41.95
Oceanography $41.63 $43.31 $44.78
All other departments (regular RA rates) $35.26 $37.90 $40.72


  • Under Article 24 of the UW/UAW ASE Contract, GRSAs must be paid at least the equivalent rates for the positions for which they would qualify if registered and paid via a regular salaried RA position. GRSAs may be appointed to higher classification pay rates at the discretion of the departments or hiring units.
  • GRSAs should be paid at least the minimum rates corresponding to the rates paid by their academic departments regardless of where they are employed on campus.

Graduate Operating Fees

Summer 2022

7+ credits $6,342
2 credits or fewer $1,809.96

Fall 2022 – Spring 2023 (Based on Full-time Resident Tuition)

Academic Year 2020-2021 (per quarter) $6,300
