Faculty can receive salary and compensation in a number of different ways. Typically, that is a mix of state and grant support, or exclusively one or the other, depending on position type and grant activity. Faculty can also receive various adjustments, excess compensation, and supplements to salary. See below for more information and procedures.

Salary Adjustments


  • Each year, faculty members must be reviewed for merit following the procedures outlined in the Faculty Code, Section 24-55. This usually takes place in the spring quarter, with implementation of merit increases (if available and awarded), on or around July 1 or September 1. Merit reviews must take place regardless of the availability of merit increases. Research and WOT faculty members are evaluated for merit at the same time as state funded faculty members. Units may establish their own methods for evaluation of merit but it is faculty members’ contributions to teaching, research, and service that are considered in the merit review process. Faculty members should have the opportunity to submit a report to their Chair/Director detailing their professional activities and accomplishments that year, which can be discussed and included in the documentation of their evaluation during their yearly conference with their Chair/Director. Student and collegial teaching evaluations must be included in each faculty member’s cumulative record.


  • When faculty and librarians are promoted in rank (e.g., from Assistant to Associate Professor), they receive a 10% promotion salary increase on the same date as the effective date of their promotion. For 9-month faculty, this is September 16th, and for 12-month faculty, this is July 1st. Promotion increases are separate from merit increases. Furthermore, faculty who are supported by grant, contract, or clinical revenues must support their promotion increase from those revenue sources. Please see Faculty Code, Section 24-57.


  • A retention salary adjustments can be given to a faculty member who has received or is about to receive a competitive offer from another university for employment, and the Chair/Director and Dean believe a retention salary adjustment is warranted to retain that outstanding faculty member at the University of Washington. There are two approval processes for retention: one for state-funded retention requests, and one for locally-funded retention requests (this process provides more flexibility to units to respond in a timely manner to competitive offers, but specific criteria must be met). Please visit the AHR web page detailing retention salary adjustment procedures to determine which procedures are applicable in any given retention situation.
  • Faculty retention salary adjustments are expected to provide a minimum 7.5% salary increase if the recipient will not be precluded from the next merit increase, or 10% if they will be precluded from merit. Generally, an individual may not receive a retention salary adjustment for a period of three years from the effective date of the most recent retention adjustment.

A/B Salary

  • An A/B salary is a tool units can use to retain and recruit eligible faculty members (only tenure-track faculty).  An A/B salary is comprised of an annual base salary with an “A” salary component that is tenure-backed (state-supported salary) and a “B” salary component that is not tenure-backed (non-state supported salary). In the College of the Environment, the A/B salary ratio is limited to either 90:10 A/B, or 80:20 A/B. It is considered a retention salary adjustment, and as such, faculty members who receive one may not receive another retention salary adjustment for a period of three years. More information on A/B salaries can be found in the College’s A/B Salary Retention Adjustment Policy.

Salary Supplements

Salary supplements are awarded for a variety of reasons including temporary additional responsibilities and administrative duties. The types of salary supplements are:

Administrative Supplement (ADS)

  • An Administrative Supplement (ADS) is awarded to faculty who are appointed to an administrative role at UW (e.g., Chair/Director or Dean). These requests are submitted by the faculty member’s unit staff in Workday as a Compensation Change – Add Allowance and as an Add Academic Appointment – Administrative, along with required documentation for the administrative appointment.
  • When submitting an ADS request in Workday, requesting unit staff must also add the corresponding Administrative Academic Appointment. (Don’t forget to set the appointment end date.) The following information must be included in the comments of the business process (requests will be sent back to the initiator if these items are not addressed):ADS effective date (with justification if significantly retroactive):
    Administrative title:
    Proposed ADS monthly amount (include current and proposed amount if requesting an increase/decrease):
    Brief description of duties/change in duties:
    New role (Y or N)? If not new, name and ADS amount of last holder:
    Type of funding source (grant, PDR, GOF/DOF, etc) [NOTE: source must allow for stipends]:
    List of employee’s current administrative titles and associated ADS amounts:
    Has the employee been informed in writing that the administrative assignment and associate ADS are at the will of the dean and may terminate at any time (Y or N)?:

Endowed Supplement

  • An Endowed Supplement (ENS) may be awarded to faculty members who have been appointed as an Endowed Professor or Chair as allowed under the terms of the endowment.
  • Units: The first step is to request appointment or reappointment to an Endowed Professorship or Chair. Please follow those instructions on the CoEnv Endowed Professorships and Chairs page. Once a new appointment is approved by the Board of Regents, the unit and faculty member will be notified directly. Reappointments are approved in Workday by the Office of the Provost and are not approved by the Board of Regents.

Summer Salary

  • Nine-month academic year faculty do not receive state salary support during the summer period of June 16th – September 15th. If they obtain research funding and if consistent with funding agency policy, faculty may accept grant/contract appointments during the summer for up to 2.5 months in any one summer without seeking any special approvals. When faculty want/need appointment for 100% FTE for greater than 2.5 months in any one summer, they must document their intent to devote full-time effort during the summer on the Full Time Summer Salary Notification Form and obtain approval from their Chair/Director and the Dean. Once approved, the unit AHR contact is notified and the form is submitted to Academic HR for record keeping.

Excess Compensation

Excess compensation is designed to pay faculty for services provided outside normal duties. Typically it is for service performed on a one-time-only basis such as a lecture or workshop. This may be paid only under exceptional circumstances, must be approved by the Dean, and may not exceed 25% of a faculty member’s monthly base salary. Requests for Excess Compensation are processed via Workday. For complete information on payment guidelines, approvals needed, and policy related to this, please visit the AHR Excess Compensation page and see Executive Order No. 59, “Excess Compensation to Faculty.”

Outside Professional Work for Compensation (Form 1460)

The Office of Research approves all requests for approval of outside work for compensation. The web site for Outside Professional Work for Compensation is an excellent overview of the process with complete instructions, FAQs, scenarios, definitions, and the downloadable Form 1460.

Here is some basic information from that site:

  • What is outside professional work for compensation?

    According to the Office of Research: “Any and all professional work performed for any type of compensation to you from a non-UW entity requires approval, with exceptions for non-profit organizations and as noted in Additional Considerations.”

  • Why do I have to request approval?

    Executive Order No. 57 details the University’s Outside Professional Work Policy, which establishes the procedures through which faculty, librarians and other academic personnel may be approved to engage in professional activities for compensation (i.e. consulting) outside of their University duties. By following these procedures, faculty, librarians, and other academic personnel who engage in outside professional work for compensation comply with this Executive Order, and are protected from penalties for violating certain provisions of the Washington State Public Ethics Law.

  • Who has to fill out this particular form? 

    All faculty, librarians, and other academic personnel who anticipate engaging in outside professional work for compensation need to complete Form 1460. A different form exists for Professional and Classified staff who are performing outside work for compensation.

  • How do I get my request approved?

    Faculty, librarians, and other academic personnel must complete a Form 1460 for every instance of outside work for compensation and obtain approval before work begins. Once it is approved by their Chair/Director, it is submitted to the Dean for approval, and finally to the Office of Research for final review and approval. Faculty members and their units will hear directly from the Office of Research when their requests have been approved or if there are any questions.

  • What about the annual report of outside activities?

    Effective November 2014, faculty, librarians, and other academic personnel are no longer required to submit an annual summary of outside professional work.  In the past, annual reports of all outside professional work (compensated or uncompensated) for each fiscal year ending June 30 were to be submitted via the UW 1461 online system by the following November 15.  The relevant UW Outside Professional Work Policy (Executive Order 57) is being revised, eliminating those reporting requirements, and the 1461 online system is being decommissioned.

Other salary related topics

Salary Minimums (Floors)

  • The University establishes minimum full-time monthly rates at which a unit pays faculty members. The salary floors apply to persons appointed into permanent positions as well as to those in temporary, visiting, acting, affiliate, or clinical positions. The appropriate salary is based on the candidate’s training, experience, etc. and is determined at the time of the original appointment in negotiations between the unit Chair/Director and the Dean/Chancellor.

Salary Parking

  • The College of the Environment maintains through Salary Parking a reserve to assist schools/departments and faculty members by paying temporary expenses associated with recruitment, retention, retirement incentives, emeritus teaching, student support, equipment replacement, and new initiatives. These reserve funds are obtained, in part, from the salary and benefits recaptured by the Dean’s Office upon the retirement of faculty until it is re-allocated.

Salary Recovery Policy

  • The Salary Recovery Policy provides an opportunity for individual faculty to use Grant and Contract salary and benefits to partially replace state salary and benefits during the academic year. A proportion of the recovered state salary is returned to the faculty member for research program support.

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