The College Curriculum Committee is responsible for curricular policy matters at the college level, including general oversight of courses and programs offered for the common benefit of all departments. It also helps to stimulate new educational ideas and developments in the college. The Committee is responsible for reviewing the following:

* The Graduate School’s Office of Academic Affairs and Planning coordinates the review of new graduate programs, but the College Curriculum Committee reviews proposals to create or change graduate programs within the college before final proposals are submitted to the Graduate School.

Time Schedule & Registration Calendar 2023-2024

Aut ’23

Win ’24

Spr ’24

Sum ’24

Aut ’24

Win ’25

Spr ’25

Time schedule construction deadline 1/27/23 7/21/23 11/3/23 11/27/23 1/26/24 7/19/24 11/1/24
Time schedule available online 4/14/23 10/13/23 1/19/24 2/2/24 4/12/24 10/11/24 1/17/25
Student registration begins 5/6/22 11/3/23 2/9/24 4/8/24 5/3/24 11/1/24 2/14/25

Meeting Calendar & Proposal Deadlines 2023-2024

The committee will meet approximately three times per quarter. Meeting times vary quarterly.

To be considered, proposals must be submitted to the College Curriculum Committee by the proposal submission deadline for each meeting.

IMPORTANT: Starting in Autumn 2023, the course application and general education designation review processes have changed at the university level based on recently approved Scholastic Regulations, which created two new committees:

Applications are now administratively reviewed and recorded at the university level on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year. However, the UW Curriculum Office (UWCO) has established priority deadlines for specific effective quarters. To meet the UWCO Priority Dates, units must submit proposals to the College of the Environment Curriculum Committee first.

Please submit course proposals and undergraduate program proposals using the UW Curriculum Management (UW CM) system. For assistance with the UW CM system, contact Michelle Hall (College or the Environment, Curriculum Committee staff), your unit’s curriculum coordinator or curriculum committee chair (see unit contacts below), or the UW Curriculum Office.

Units submitting an undergraduate program change should consult the proposal Deadlines for Creating and Changing Undergraduate Academic Programs.

Proposals Due to College Curriculum Committee

College Curriculum Committee Meeting Dates

UWCO Course Proposal Priority Submission Dates

SCAP Program Proposal Priority Submission Dates

10/3/23 10/10/23
SPR 2024: 1/12/24 WIN 2024: 12/1/24
10/27/23 11/6/23
11/22/23 11/30/23
1/11/24 1/18/24
Meeting Canceled
SUM 2024: 3/11/24 SPR 2024: 3/1/24
2/2/24 2/12/24
2/23/24 3/4/24
AUT 2024: 4/5/24
4/1/24 4/4/24
WIN 2025: 10/4/24 AUT 2024: 8/24/24
4/22/24 4/25/24
5/17/24 5/23/24


UWCO Course Proposal Priority Submission Dates

Effective Quarter Priority Date Cut-off Date
AUT 2024 4/5/24 5/1/24
WIN 2025 10/4/24 10/30/24
SPR 2025 January 2025 February 2025
SUM 2025 March 2025 April 2025

Course proposals approved by the College Curriculum Committee and then submitted to the UWCO by the “Priority Date” will be given priority review. All efforts will be made to have them approved for the effective quarter requested. Course proposals submitted to the UWCO between the “Priority Date” and the “Cut-off Date” will be accepted but may or may not make it through the review process by the “Cut-off Date” and in time for the effective quarter requested. If the “Cut-off Date” is missed, the earliest the proposed changes would take effect is the following quarter, e.g. course proposals for Spring 2024 need to be submitted to the College by the last proposal deadline for Autumn 2023 (late November) and to the UWCO by 1/12/24.

Undergraduate Program Proposals SCAP Priority Submission Dates

SCAP Review Quarter SCAP Priority Date
AUT 2024 8/30/24
WIN 2025 12/6/24
SPR 2025 3/7/25

Program proposals are reviewed by the Faculty Council on Academic Standard’s (FCAS) Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs (SCAP). Program proposals approved by the College Curriculum Committee and then submitted to the UWCO by one of the quarterly priority submission dates specified above are given priority review by the UWCO, and all efforts will be made to have these proposals considered for a SCAP meeting. Proposals received by the UWCO after a priority submission date may not be considered for a SCAP meeting until the following quarter.

Notice of Proposal Deadlines

Quarter Posted for Review NOP Deadline to UWCO
SPR 2024 4/5/24
AUT 2024 11/1/24
WIN 2025 2/7/25
SPR 2025 4/11/25

If a unit is proposing a new undergraduate program or proposing a substantive program or credential change, then a Notice of Proposal (NOP) form and tri-campus review must be completed.


How do I know if my program change is substantive and requires a NOP? CLICK HERE

Where do I submit a NOP? Units planning to propose substantive program changes (e.g., changing the admission type) must consult with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs (Julia Parrish) well in advance of submitting an NOP form to discuss the specific proposed changes, goals, and rationale and any impacts to enrollment, teaching capacity and budget planning.

After consultation with the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, please send the filled-out NOP form to Michelle Hall (College or the Environment, Curriculum Committee staff) to be reviewed by the College Curriculum Committee and then submitted to the UWCO.

NOPS submitted to the UWCO by one of the quarterly priority submission dates specified above are given priority review by the UWCO, and all efforts will be made to have these proposals considered for a Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs (SCAP) meeting. Proposals received by the UWCO after a priority submission date may not be considered for a SCAP meeting until the following quarter.

Committee membership 2023-2024



Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Luke Tornabene
Atmospheric and Climate Science Dargan Frierson
Earth and Space Sciences Juliet Crider
Environmental and Forest Sciences Sergey Rabotyagov
Friday Harbor Laboratories Maia Kreis
Marine and Environmental Affairs Anne Beaudreau
Marine Biology Kerry Naish
Oceanography Mikelle Nuwer (Chair)
Program on the Environment Kristi Straus
Graduate Student Representatives Maya Garber-Yonts (SMEA) & Markus Min (SAFS)
Undergraduate Student Representatives Erik Ertsgaard (ESRM) & Nicole Reynolds (MB, OCEAN)
Director of Student and Academic Services (ex officio) Michelle Hall
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ex officio) Julia Parrish
Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (ex officio) Jane Dolliver

Curriculum contacts in units


Faculty Contact or Curriculum Committee Chair

Staff Contact

Graduate Program Coordinator

Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Luke Tornabene Samantha Scherer Chelsea Wood
Atmospheric and Climate Science Lyatt Jaegle (Undergraduate Curriculum), Rob Wood (Graduate Curriculum) Cathy Liao Rob Wood
Earth and Space Sciences Juliet Crider (Curriculum Committee Chair), Drew Gorman-Lewis (Undergraduate Curriculum) Noell Bernard-Kingsley Fang-Zhen Teng
Environmental and Forest Sciences Sergey Rabotyagov (Curriculum Committee Chair) Liz Collier David Butman
Marine and Environmental Affairs Anne Beaudreau Tiffany Comtois-Dion Terrie Klinger
Marine Biology Kerry Naish Joe Kobayashi NA
Oceanography Mikelle Nuwer Michelle Townsend Susan Hautala
Quantitative Ecology & Resource Management Beth Gardner Erica Owens Beth Gardner
Program on the Environment Kristi Straus Joy Crevier N/A


Dean's Office Contact: