Have you ever wondered why killer whales are listed as endangered in Puget Sound? How toxic algal blooms are formed? Or why local beaches are disappearing? Did you know that you can be part of the solution, and you don’t need any experience? And, you can earn a stipend doing it?

The UW College of the Environment offers a unique, 10-day immersive experience for incoming transfer students on board our research vessel and at our marine field facilities.  You’ll receive hands-on training and create an independent research project to answer your own questions. All expenses are covered. In addition, you’ll receive a stipend of $1,400.

You’ll set sail aboard one of our oceanographic research vessels and collect samples in Puget Sound. When in residence at Friday Harbor Laboratories, you’ll conduct field and laboratory experiments, learn methods to analyze your own data, and practice effective ways to communicate your results. No experience necessary, come join us!

To be eligible, you need to have accepted an offer of transfer admission from the Seattle campus of the UW and submit your GEODUC application by Friday, July 12, 2024.

Apply Now!

Connect with us at geoduc@uw.edu. Learn more by joining our open, virtual office hour sessions every Friday at 2pm PT beginning May, 3, 2024.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)


Purple flyer with 9 scholars aboard the UW R/V Rachel Carson west of the University Bridge.This project is funded by the National Science Foundation’s GEOPAths Program, the College of the Environment, the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, the Big Beef Creek Fund, the Marine Biology Program and the School of Oceanography.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 2118605. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Download the GEODUC program flyer (2.3MB PDF)

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