The Diurnal Ekman Layer, rain shadows, and more

Olympic Coast in Washington

Each week we share the latest peer-reviewed publications coming from the College of the Environment. Over the past week, four new articles co-authored by members of the College were added to the Web of Science database. They include articles about the Diurnal Ekman Layer, Rain shadows, and more. Read on!

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Completed boardwalk trail in Yesler Swamp offers access to wildlife, natural areas

A segment of the new boardwalk.

Yesler Swamp, part of the Union Bay Natural Area along Lake Washington that is managed by UW Botanic Gardens, has a newly completed, fully accessible boardwalk trail that loops throughout the wetland, offering opportunities for birdwatching, exercise and a chance to experience nature in the heart of the city. Restoration work on the 6-acre swamp began more than 15 years ago as part of a UW capstone course taught by Kern Ewing, a professor in environmental and forest sciences. 

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