Lisa Graumlich, dean of UW College of the Environment, named president-elect of AGU

Lisa Graumlich

The American Geophysical Union announced that its members have elected Lisa Graumlich, dean of the UW College of the Environment, as the president-elect starting Jan. 1. After two years in this role Graumlich will begin a two-year term as president of the AGU board beginning in 2023. With more than 62,000 members from 144 countries, AGU represents an interdisciplinary mix of atmospheric, ocean, Earth, hydrology and space scientists. 

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The retitling of lecturers: more than just a name

University of Washington's Suzzallo Library

Earlier this fall, the titles of some of UW Environment’s most beloved teachers changed overnight. On September 16th, the titles of eight instructors, which had previously ended with the word “lecturer,” now end with “teaching professor.” This shift in title, however, changed more than just their email signatures. This transition builds on earlier efforts to provide more stability for teaching faculty, including a limit on the number of annual contracts allowed before a multi-year contract must be pursued. 

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New global archive logs changes in behavior of Arctic animals

A moose in Denali National Park

The Arctic’s dramatic changes — warmer winters, earlier springs, shrinking ice and more human development — are impacting native animals. Researchers have long been observing the movements and behavior of animals in this region, but it’s been difficult to discover and access these data for meaningful collaborations. Now scientists from around the world have established the Arctic Animal Movement Archive, an online repository for data documenting the movements of animals in the Arctic and Subarctic. 

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UW Environment home to #5 Geosciences program in US News Best Global Universities ranking

Yakama Nation field and forest.

UW Environment held on to the No. 5 position in the highest-ranked Geosciences programs globally. “We are proud to be consistently recognized for the excellence and impact of our scholarship,” UW President Ana Mari Cauce said. The ranking methodology — which is based on Web of Science data and metrics provided by Clarivate Analytics InCites — weighs factors that measure a university’s global and regional research reputation and academic research performance. 

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UW awarded $23.5M to build floating robots as part of NSF project to monitor the world’s oceans

The ocean float lab in the UW Ocean Sciences Building is a hive of activity. Dozens of floats are in various stages of construction, both for the ongoing Argo program and the new SOCCOM project to study the Southern Ocean

The University of Washington is among leading U.S. oceanographic institutions that have received National Science Foundation funding to build and deploy 500 robotic ocean-monitoring floats to monitor the chemistry and biology of the world’s oceans. The National Science Foundation on October 29 approved a $53 million, five-year grant to the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI); the UW; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; and Princeton University. 

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