Seeking nominations for College of the Environment Awards

Do you have a colleague or student that deserves recognition for their work at the College of the Environment? Of course you do! Through a College-wide nomination process, this program honors students, staff and faculty who make exceptional and meaningful contributions to our College community. Award nominations are one of a small handful of ways we can recognize the exceptional talent we have amongst us. 

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Private Funding Opportunities

Seeking private funding for your project or program? Below are recent corporate and foundation opportunities. If your project fits the criteria or you have other thoughts on how to engage corporate and foundation funders please contact Chris Thompson, Director for Corporate and Foundation Relations, at 206-221-6372 or or Lauren Honaker, Associate Director for Corporate and Foundation Relations at 206-685-4423 or 

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Quaternary Research Center gets new director

Ben Fitzhugh, associate professor of Anthropology, has been appointed by Dean Graumlich as the new director of the Quaternary Research Center. The Center fosters interdisciplinary environmental research focused on the Quaternary geologic period—the last 2½ million years of Earth’s history—a time encompassing massive and abrupt changes of climate, sea level, global biology, and ice cover, as well the evolution of humans and the advent of civilization. 

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Philanthropy: Making a Difference

Private gifts and grants have an enormous impact on the lives of our students, faculty and programs.  We thank every one of our supporters, be they individuals, corporations, private foundations, organizations or community partners. You help ensure that the College of the Environment and all of its exceptional schools, departments, centers, programs and people, remain and grow as national and global leaders in education, research and outreach across a broad array of environmental fields. 

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Remembering Robert Burgner, professor of Aquaric and Fishery Sciences

Longtime Aquatic and Fishery Sciences professor Robert L. “Bud” Burgner, a pioneer in Alaska fisheries research, passed away in January. A leader in the aquatic sciences, Burgner helped establish and served as Director of the Fisheries Research Institute from which the Alaska Salmon Program was born. Burgner also shepherded the development of the High Seas Salmon program with his extensive international connections with Japanese and Canadian scientists.  

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