192 news posts related to Conservation

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Researchers discover yessotoxins, produced by certain phytoplankton, to be a culprit behind summer mass shellfish mortality events in Washington

Dying clams on Hood Canal, Rocky Bay, 2019.King et al, Harmful Algae, 2021

Back in the summers of 2018 and 2019, the shellfish industry in Washington state was rocked by mass mortalities of its crops. “It was oysters, clams, cockles — all bivalve species in some bays were impacted,” said Teri King, aquaculture and marine water quality specialist at Washington Sea Grant based at the University of Washington. “They were dying, and nobody knew why.” 

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UW Ocean Voices program, seeking equity in ocean science, gets key approval from United Nations

Yoshitaka Ota

Ocean Voices, a program of the University of Washington-based Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Center to advance equity in ocean science, has been named among the first group of actions taken in a United Nations-sponsored, decade-long program of ocean science for sustainable development. “The human relationship with oceans under current political economies is unsustainable, unstable and inequitable,” writes Yoshitaka Ota, director of the center. 

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VIDEO: Moss tells stories of hot spots for pollution

Phil Levin and Mathis Massager

With the expansion of Seattle comes more cars on the roads. The fact that transportation results in pollution is widely known, but School of Environmental and Forest Sciences‘ Phil Levin, Ian Davies and Mathis Messager, in partnership with Boeing and The Nature Conservancy, pinpointed the exact locations in Puget Sound where pollution has accumulated in a paper published in Science Direct. 

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Cracking the code

cliamte video game graphics

These days, very little science occurs without someone typing at least a few lines of code into a computer. Researchers employ a variety of programming languages — such as R, Python and Bash — and software to organize their data, perform analyses, build models, and visualize results. College of the Environment scientists are no different, and that has implications for science, communication and how students will gain new computational skills in the future. 

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Endangered blue whales recorded off southwest coast of India

Divya Panicker set out the underwater microphone, or hydrophone, off India’s Kavaratti Island.

Research from the University of Washington shows that endangered blue whales are present and singing off the southwest coast of India. The results suggest that conservation measures should include this region, which is considering expanding tourism. Analysis of recordings from late 2018 to early 2020 in Lakshadweep, an archipelago of 36 low-lying islands west of the Indian state of Kerala, detected whales with a peak activity in April and May. 

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