New UW vessel, RV Rachel Carson, will explore regional waters

The RV Rachel Carson is a 72-foot vessel built for fisheries research in Scotland. It will carry UW students and researchers on regional trips out to sea.

The University of Washington’s School of Oceanography has a new member of its fleet. After revamping its global-class research vessel earlier this year, it now also has a new ship that will allow UW researchers and students to explore waters in Puget Sound and nearby coasts. The RV Rachel Carson was built as a fisheries research vessel in Scotland in 2003, and the UW acquired it in 2017 and had it shipped to Seattle last winter. 

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UW researchers will survey Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier as part of major international effort

Reconnaissance flight over Thwaites Glacier, which is thought to act as a buttress on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet.

The National Science Foundation and the U.K.’s Natural Environmental Research Council this month announced a joint 5-year, $25 million effort to study Antarctica’s Thwaites Glacier. Nicknamed the “world’s most dangerous glacier,” Thwaites Glacier already is contributing to rising seas; if it collapsed it would raise global sea level by about three feet. The glacier may also act as a linchpin on the whole West Antarctic Ice Sheet, which could raise sea level by much more. 

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2018 Hall Conservation Genetics Research Fund winners announced

DNA (photo: Pixabay)

UW Environment is pleased to announce that School of Environmental and Forest Sciences’ students Taylor Ganz and Lila Westreich and the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences’ Marta Gomez-Buckley are recipients of the 2018 Hall Conservation Genetics Research Fund. The fund is made possible by a generous gift from the Benjamin and Margaret Hall Charitable Lead Trust. Taylor Ganz Advisor: Laura Prugh Using forensic DNA analysis to identify the species and individual predator at white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), mule deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and elk (Cervus elaphus) kill sites, the project will quantify the degree of specialization within predators, applying recently developed techniques in wildlife forensics to inform the conservation and management of Washington’s wildlife. 

More about the Hall Conservation Genetics Research Award »