One year later: Japan quake, tsunami a cautionary tale for Pacific Northwest - UW Today

Sunday marks the one-year anniversary of the great Tohoku earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan, killing more than 16,000 people and causing billions of dollars in damage. University of Washington scientists say the event has some important lessons for the Pacific Northwest – most notably, not that a similar event can happen here but that it WILL happen here, and that this region is still much less prepared than Japan was a year ago.   

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Inspire, Observe, Inhabit: 4th Annual Burke Museum Environmental Writers Workshop

Are you interested in learning how to tell great stories about the natural and cultural world? Join award-winning authors William Dietrich, Thor Hanson, and Judith Roche as they lead classroom and field-based sessions at the 4th annual Environmental Writers’ Workshop, taking place at the Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. The workshop takes place on April 21st and space is limited. 

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News release: Sound Transit wins federal grant to respond to impacts of climate change

Sound Transit wins federal grant to respond to impacts of climate change; Partnership with UW Climate Impacts Group, WSDOT will examine long-term strategies A Federal Transit Administration grant of $105,000 will fund efforts to study how potential impacts from climate change could challenge Sound Transit’s infrastructure and operations. The University of Washington Climate Impacts Group will lead the work, building on a pilot study completed by the Washington State Department of Transportation. 

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