Scientists argue the case for geoengineering experiment – UW News

A group of researchers, including ATMO‘s Rob Wood, have published a comprehensive paper on marine cloud brightening, to shed light on what we do and don’t know about this geoengineering possibility. They argue that we can, and should, gather more information about marine cloud brightening as a way to slow global warming, including performing small-scale experiments. Read more about Rob’s paper here! 

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Public participation in scientific research celebrated in Portland

Have you heard about the awesome ways in which people can get involved in scientific research? Projects like, COASST and are only a few of the examples of the burgeoning opportunities under the term “public participation in scientific research” (or PPSR or citizen science). A conference devoted to this topic took place in Portland at the beginning of the month and it was a huge success. 

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Call for contributors: Early Career Ecologists Blog

The “Early Career Ecologists” blog is hosted and written by a collaborative group of early-career scientists. Contributors work in a variety of systems (forests, riparian areas, deserts, the arctic tundra) and study a variety of species (from pines to microbes) all across the globe (from Alaska to Antarctica). They hope to encourage enthusiasm for and understanding of our systems beyond our own tiny, academic circles. 

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Ocean Health Index a "Dow Jones" for the global ocean - Nature

This week a team of marine researchers have published an index to assesses overall ocean vitality. The index, described this week in Nature, comprises ten separate measures that are aggregated into a single score of how well the seas are doing. The ten measures — which assess features such as food provision, carbon storage, tourism value and biodiversity — were chosen to reflect both the needs of humans and ecosystem sustainability. 

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