Two UW volcano studies shed light on future risks

Two new studies involving the University of Washington are shedding new light on the internal workings and risks from volcanoes, especially the ones in the Cascade range in Washington, Oregon and Northern California.  Read more and watch video on 

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Scientists take broad stock of ecological effects of sea ice loss

When it comes to sea ice loss, it’s not only the weather that’s affected. A review paper published this week (Aug. 2) in the journal Science looks at the ecological consequences of sea ice decline, from species range changes and new interactions, to disease dynamics, to nutrient deficiencies. ATMO’s Cecilia Bitz is a co-author; read more in this UW News story. 

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Nighttime heat waves quadruple in Pacific Northwest

Nighttime heat waves are becoming more frequent in western Washington and Oregon. Research from JISAO and the Office of the Washington State Climatologist shows that the region west of the Cascades saw only three nighttime heat waves between 1901 and 1980, but that number quadrupled to 12 nighttime heat waves in the three decades after 1980. Read more in this UW News story. 

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State climatologist releases summer outlook

With continuing neutral ENSO conditions, the Office of the Washington State Climatologist reported today that Washington may be in for a warmer-than-normal summer and early fall. We might see above-normal precipitation later in the fall. Read more at their website. 

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