Jeffrey Cordell honored by the Seattle Aquarium

Jeffrey Cordell

Every year, the Seattle Aquarium recognizes outstanding individuals who work and make a difference in the marine environment. This year, UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences research scientist Jeffrey Cordell was honored for his innovative work on restoring marine habitat along Seattle’s Elliott Bay seawall. Jeff led the long-term research, funded by the City of Seattle and Washington Sea Grant, to design, install, and monitor large-scale test panels at three locations along the Seattle waterfront as part of the Elliott Bay Seawall Project. 

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Mathematical model explains huge recurring rainstorms in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans

Angel Adames at the DYNAMO field campaign in the Maldive Islands in February 2012. He is holding a research weather balloon and a box that will track temperature, dew point, etc., at different heights.

El Niño is fairly well understood, and by now it’s a household word. But another huge system in the tropical Indian and Pacific oceans, which wreaks similar havoc in world weather, is relatively unknown and is just beginning to be explained. University of Washington scientists have published a mathematical model that could help explain and forecast the Madden-Julian Oscillation, a massive cluster of thunderstorms that plays a role in global weather. 

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University of Washington hosts Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Meeting

The Pacific Northwest (photo: John Meyer)

Ocean policy experts from around the nation convened at the University of Washington on January 27 to talk about the future of oceans. Members of the Joint Ocean Commission Initiative Leadership Council met with West Coast leaders at the College of the Environment’s Center for Urban Horticulture. Hosted by the College and Dean Lisa Graumlich, the discussion focused on new ways to strengthen the maritime economy and environmental health along the West Coast, including Washington. 

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Forest conservation, phytoplankton, and more

Each week we share the latest peer-reviewed publications coming from the College of the Environment. As a special New Year edition, we are including all the new articles that have been published in 2016. This week, we are showcasing articles about forest conservation, phytoplankton, and more. Check them out!

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