Can artificial intelligence revolutionize weather forecasting?

AI weather model prediction

In an age of rapidly advancing technology, humans are fascinated with AI, which is shorthand for artificial intelligence. Many movies and TV shows feature this techno-wizardry, whether it’s AI beings starring in our favorite Marvel movies or the creation of deeply imaginative worlds that depict post-apocalyptic robot takeovers. The idea of deep learning machines is one we often think about in fictional contexts, but at the University of Washington researchers are looking at practical, real-world applications. 

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A story of 10,000 crows: the nightly migration to UW Bothell campus

crows on an athletic field in Bothell

If you’ve ever looked towards the evening sky at University of Washington’s Bothell campus, you’ve probably witnessed the dark river of crows swarming above; and if you haven’t seen it, you’ve certainly heard it. Every night, 10 to 15 thousand crows make their nightly migration to the campus for a giant crow sleepover. According to John Marzluff, professor at UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, this nightly migration to a roost is a property of many corvids — the family of birds that includes crows, ravens, rooks, jackdaws, jays, magpies, treepies, choughs and nutcrackers. 

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A key ingredient for SciComm: listening 

ears signifying listening

All too often, we forget about a critical component of successful communication: being a good listener. Communication is, after all, a two-way street; being an effective communicator not only relies on being clear in what you say or do, but also in truly hearing and valuing people’s perspectives, needs, concerns and ideas, too. Listening allows us to empathize and relate to others, giving us a glimpse into their world and their day-to-day life. 

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Sustaining polar bear populations in the face of climate warming

four polar bears in the Arctic

Polar bears capture the imagination like few other wild animals. Adorable and roly-poly as snow-white cubs, they grow into massive hunting machines, supremely adapted to the harsh landscapes of the Arctic. Iconic the world over, many of us only dream of the chance to see one outside of the zoo. Polar bears have also become a symbol of an environment that’s changing unfavorably. 

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What does your online presence say about you?

SciComm graphic of web search results

If someone’s interest is piqued about your research, what’s the first thing they do? They turn to the internet, of course! Most people want to know what you’re studying and why it matters: what is the impact you’re trying to have, the problem you’re trying to solve, the mystery about our world you’re trying to unlock? Your online presence can help answer the “so what?” 

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