From the Amplify archives: revisiting recent SciComm conversations 

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Science touches nearly every aspect of our lives. Over the past several years, we have invited esteemed guests — both inside and outside of academia — to share a wide variety of perspectives on where science meets society, and the role communication plays. Through these discussions, we have explored new pathways for scientists to think about their own work, and considered ways to strengthen our collective impact. 

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Cultivating community and tradition among the crops at the Native Garden

an example of dry beans grown in the garden

Tucked into a corner of the UW Farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture, within the moist compost and woven through the tendrils of beans, a community flourishes. The wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ Native Garden is a unique space where crops and people grow in harmony. Informed by traditional farming practices, the Native Garden serves as a space for Indigenous students to connect with their culture and share it with the broader community. 

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Science at your fingertips: how the science of sand uncovers Earth’s mysteries  

beach on a sunny day in Washington State

Feeling cool, wet sand squish between your toes while walking along a beach is something that many of us take solace in — there’s just something special about that boundary between land and water. The beach serves as the backdrop for so many of life’s events: vacations, barbeques, camps, seashell searches, sporting events and even weddings. But the sand you track in on your towels and sandals is more than just something to vacuum up. 

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Going beyond “just the facts” towards a narrative in your science communication

book with science symbols

If you want to grab and keep people’s attention, utilizing storytelling techniques in your communication — written, verbal or otherwise — can be powerful. Storytelling is a tried-and-true method of sharing information, one that long precedes the scientific paper. Good stories appeal to our humanity, tap into our emotions, create a connection and can keep the listener engaged as they become invested in the outcome. 

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This tiny coastal fish wears a toothy coat of armor

pacific spinly lumpsucker as viewed from the side

The ocean is full of otherworldly creatures, seemingly from alien planets with alien capabilities. In most cases, the award for craziest looking critter would go to an invertebrate. But many fish are contenders, too, and there’s an oddly adorable one common in northwest waters. What does it look like? Imagine a golf ball. Now put some googly eyes on it and add a suction cup to its belly. 

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