Governor Inslee appoints Maggie Walker to UW Board of Regents

Maggie Walker

Governor Jay Inslee appointed Maggie Walker to the University of Washington Board of Regents, where she will serve out the remaining term of Libby Gates MacPhee who resigned in late June. Walker, a longtime supporter of the UW College of the Environment and the University, will bring a depth of knowledge and experience as a local and national leader to bear on the UW’s governing body. 

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Marine heat waves caused mass seabird die-offs, beach surveys show

Deceased seabirds on the beach

Seabirds, from cormorants to puffins, spend most of their lives at sea. Beloved by birdwatchers, these animals can be hard to study because they spend so much time far from shore. New research led by the University of Washington uses data collected by coastal residents along beaches from central California to Alaska to understand how seabirds have fared in recent decades. 

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University of Washington is a core member of newly announced New York Climate Exchange

An aerial rendering of the New York Climate Exchange campus on Governors Island.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the Trust for Governors Island on April 24 announced that a consortium led by Stony Brook University will found and develop a world-leading climate solutions center on Governors Island in the city’s harbor. The New York Climate Exchange will be a first-of-its kind international center for developing and deploying dynamic solutions to our global climate crisis.  

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UW joins White House to host forum on climate change solutions on campuses and in surrounding communities

Maggie Walker Dean Maya Tolstoy

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the University of Washington are bringing together climate, sustainability and resilience leaders, and educators representing a cross section of colleges and universities from around the country, with federal agency leaders for a virtual forum on climate change. The White House Forum on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions, co-hosted by the UW, will take place Wednesday, March 8, 2023 from 10 a.m. 

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