The Strategic Plan Implementation Committee has been assembled to outline an action plan, consistent with our mission, vision and values, to move forward the two overarching goals of the Strategic Plan. This work should draw on the strategies for success outlined in the plan, but not be limited by them. The committee is small so it can remain nimble, but is also charged with assembling initial and ongoing feedback from the broader College community about implementing the goals. The Dean’s Office is initially committing $500,000 over two years to seed cross-college collaborations, along with additional resources to assist with community-building events and grant-writing support. The committee should develop a plan to best utilize these resources.

The implementation plan should be a living document, and will be evaluated every year to determine how effective the recommendations have been. As such the dean has encouraged the committee to identify a few ideas that can be acted upon swiftly before completing their final report, particularly around building a stronger, more connected community. The committee will also consider evaluation metrics for demonstrating whether or not the implementation work is achieving its goals. The final plan should be delivered not later than the end of the winter quarter 2024.

Committee members

  • Corey Garza, Professor, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, and Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (co-chair)
  • Rick Keil, Professor and Director, Oceanography (co-chair)
  • Renata Bura, Professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences
  • Christina R. Owen, Director, UW Botanic Gardens
  • Kristi Straus, Associate Teaching Professor, Program on the Environment
  • Trent Vonich, Graduate Student, Atmospheric and Climate Science