College of the Environment launches new Outstanding Diversity Commitment Award

Doris Duke Conservation Scholars at UW are helping define how diverse groups shape conservation.

Diversity is more than a word, more than an ideal, and more than the attainment of a particular quantifiable goal. Diversity is the realization of difference and inequity, as well as an understanding of power and privilege. Heightened diversity is nourished through inclusion, the desire to create equal opportunities for all, and the understanding that a diverse community is stronger, richer, and more sustainable than one that actively or passively excludes people who are different.  

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Tropical crops, oil spill response, salmon fishery performance and more: This week's published research

Ocean Wave

Each week we share the latest peer-reviewed publications coming from the College of the Environment. Over the holidays, twenty-eight new articles co-authored by members of the College of the Environment were added to the Web of Science database, including studies of retention forestry for biodiversity conservation, steelhead migration, ice floes and more. Check them out!

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Philanthropy: Making a Difference

Private gifts and grants have an enormous impact on the lives of our students, faculty and programs.  We thank every one of our supporters, be they individuals, corporations, private foundations, organizations or community partners. You help ensure that the College of the Environment and all of its exceptional schools, departments, centers, programs and people, remain and grow as national and global leaders in education, research and outreach across a broad array of environmental fields. 

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Dean's Letter: To what end?

The Pacific Northwest (photo: John Meyer)

As Dean I am often asked to explain the importance of the College of the Environment in simple, accessible language to the public—the proverbial “elevator speech.” In my first year as Dean I often described the size and scope of the College. And, in truth, it’s impressive: the biggest college of the environment in the United States, with $115 million in externally-funded research taking place on all seven continents and in each of the world’s oceans. 

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Empowering science communication in the College of the Environment

Amplify panelists

The College of the Environment’s Science Communication Program has been advancing on numerous fronts since spring quarter. Guided by our Strategic Directions and the findings of the Science Communication Task Force, the College has been building support and expanding opportunities for our faculty, staff, and student scientists to share the process and products of their research beyond academia. The College recently hosted a campus-wide and online conversation about the evolving ways that academic scientists can communicate their research on the Internet. 

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