Three UW Environment faculty elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences

Three scientists from the University of Washington College of the Environment have been elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences. According to a statement released by the organization, the new members were selected for “their outstanding record of scientific achievement and willingness to work on behalf of the academy in bringing the best available science to bear on issues within the state of Washington.” 

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Dean's Letter: Education that’s experiential—at the College of the Environment’s core

Dean Lisa Graumlich

Experiential education is more than a trendy buzz word for us in the College of the Environment. When students learn through direct experience they gain not only knowledge and skills, but also a deeper understanding of how to apply those skills in a real world context. The fact that we strive to provide students with a broad range of experiential opportunities—on campus, in the field, and in various professional settings—is part of what makes us special. It’s part of the College’s signature.

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