34 news posts related to Weather

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Ask a scientist: Nick Bond

Washington State Climatologist Nick Bond

El Niño and La Niña… we hear these two terms a lot when discussing weather but what do they really mean? We asked Washington State Climatologist and weather enthusiast Nick Bond. Keep reading for more El Niño/La Niña questions that didn’t make it into the video (but are just as interesting!).   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by UW College of the Environment (@uwenvironment) Q: Does El Niño or La Niña really affect our weather? 

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What does a hot day in Bali have to do with a dry day in Seattle?

Rainy Pike Place market

Consider this: the U.S. West Coast has seen a decrease in rainfall between 1981-2018. UW scientists think a phenomenon called the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) might be to blame. A stormy disturbance that occurs several times a year in the tropics, the MJO is similar to the El Nino Southern Oscillation, which is notorious for generating extreme winter weather in the Pacific Northwest. 

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How do we know so much about ancient climates?

Isolab grad student Lindsey Davidge

Scientists know a lot about the Earth’s climate. Over the past sixty years, they have collected temperature and precipitation information, measured the amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere, and charted the changing weather. But what if we want to compare today’s climate to past climates—say, a million years ago or more? Traces of those past climates—referred to as paleoclimates—remain in rocks and ice as particles that once made up the ancient atmosphere, rain and soil. 

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Atmospheric scientist Chris Bretherton elected to National Academy of Sciences

Chris Bretherton

Chris Bretherton, a University of Washington professor jointly appointed in the departments of Atmospheric Sciences and Applied Mathematics, has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. He is one of 100 new members elected for their “distinguished and continuing achievements in original research” who were announced April 30 by the academy. Chris studies how clouds form and change over time and how to better represent these processes in global climate and weather-forecasting models. 

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Cecilia Bitz named chair of UW Department of Atmospheric Sciences

The UW College of the Environment is pleased to announce that Cecilia Bitz has been named chair of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, effective July 1, 2019. Cecilia is a professor of atmospheric sciences and studies the role that sea ice plays in shaping the climate in high latitudes. She is actively engaged in research on improving prediction of Arctic sea ice and sea ice data assimilation, investigating wave-ice and coupled air-sea-ice interactions that control large-scale climate. 

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