153 news posts related to Resource Management

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New fact-check on fisheries reporting takes to Web, social media

An international team of experts in fisheries management, spearheaded by UW professor Ray Hilborn from the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, is trying to lead the conversation about sustainable fisheries using a less traditional approach—reaching the general public directly through a new website and social media outreach. The initiative is called the Collaborative for Food from Our Oceans Data, or “CFOOD” for short, and offers data and commentary on the sustainability of global fisheries. 

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College scientists named to inaugural class of American Fisheries Society Fellows

AFS Logo

Ray Hilborn and Tom Quinn, professors in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, are among the first-ever group of Fellows named in the American Fisheries Society (AFS). Fellows are recognized for their outstanding or meritorious contributions to the diversity of fields that represent the AFS, which can include leadership, research, teaching and mentoring, resource management and/or conservation, and outreach or interaction with the public. 

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Scientists: Let wildfires burn when prudent

Smoke plume from forest fire.

With nearly 9 million acres burned this year across the nation, 2015 is shaping up to be one of the most destructive wildfire seasons yet. And with drought and climate change, wildfires are only predicted to get worse. In a commentary published Sept. 17 in Science, a team of scientists, including School of Environmental and Forest Sciences‘ researchers Jerry Franklin and James Agee, describe unique opportunities and provide suggestions to reform forest fire management to reduce the impacts of inevitable wildfires in future years. 

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Seattle Times lauds UW's Climate Impacts Group and Arctic studies program

Arctic ice with water between large chunks of ice.

In a piece published by The Seattle Times, the editorial board calls for the United States to get out from behind the curve in addressing emerging challenges and opportunities in the Arctic. They call for comprehensive policies that will position the U.S. to capitalize on the upcoming changes — many of which are already here — and cite the University of Washington’s new Arctic Studies Program and the Climate Impacts Group as leaders in the kind of interdisciplinary thinking and approach it will take to be successful. 

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Poplar trees are best bet for biofuel in UW-led research project

Poplar chips

Groves of poplar trees could one day fuel our vehicles and be the source of chemicals that we use in our daily lives. A five-year, $40 million study is laying the foundation for a Pacific Northwest industry that converts sustainably produced poplar feedstock into fuels and chemicals. The research, led by the University of Washington, will seed the world’s first wood-based cellulosic ethanol production facility. 

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