17 news posts related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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Re-thinking conservation: student leaders are changing the face, practice and future of environmental stewardship

DDCSP scholars

The word “conservation” is a common one, and conjures up visions of protected land- and sea-scapes, species being walked back from the brink of extinction and using sustainable approaches to manage precious natural resources. It makes sense that these kinds of images come to mind; they fit the mold of conservation as many of us know it. But what if we thought about conservation in a broader and more inclusive way, acknowledging that humans and ecosystems are inextricably linked? 

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Equity and Inclusion at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences

Juno O'Neill, Mark Sorel and Kimberly Yazzie

Working towards equity and inclusion is a community effort, and one that requires active participation and push for change. The Equity & Inclusion (E&I) Committee is at the helm of advancing diversity, equity, inclusion and justice initiatives at the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (SAFS), and they have been working to make the School and community a more welcoming place. 

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Diversity, equity and inclusion at the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Students from Prof Brian Harvey’s Lab conduct research of the Norse Fire from 2017 in the Snoqualmie National Forest.

The School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS) has been hard at work ensuring that it is an equitable, supportive space for the entire community, both as a member of the SEFS community and physically in the hallways, field sites and labs once classrooms open back up for in-person learning. Armed with a diversity statement voted on and approved by faculty, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee focused their efforts on drafting a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Plan to carry out the diversity statement with actionable steps. 

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UW partners in new postdoctoral program to diversify the science and engineering faculty at America’s research universities

Mark Richards, Joy Williamson-Lott, Julia Parrish

At our nation’s research universities, including the University of Washington, underrepresented minorities make up less than 6% of the faculty across non-medical science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. This severe underrepresentation among faculty has persisted for decades and comes, in part, from a lack of diversity among the doctoral students and postdoctoral scholars in these fields who elect to pursue faculty positions. 

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Diversity, equity and inclusion in Washington Sea Grant

Lummi Island storm waves

The College of the Environment is proud to house organizations like Washington Sea Grant (WSG), who provide research, technical expertise, and educational activities that support the responsible use and conservation of ocean and coastal ecosystems. To do this, WSG partners with international, federal, tribal, state and local governments, local communities, and K-12 schools on a variety of marine-related projects.  Earlier in the 2020-21 academic year, WSG published their 10-year Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) roadmap. 

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