268 news posts related to College of the Environment

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Dean’s Letter: ‘Soft skills’ for success in sustainable careers

Students applying their classroom skills in the field (photo: UW Archives)

This week we find ourselves in the middle of that annual rite of passage, graduation. Our class of 2014 should be proud of their accomplishments, and feel genuine excitement to use their education as a cornerstone for a successful and productive career. At the College of the Environment, we recognize that the keys to a successful career look substantially different than they did a generation ago. 

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College purchases carbon allowances in honor of new graduates

UW Commencement (photo courtesty of UW)

The end of spring means graduation and many opportunities to shine a light on our graduates’ accomplishments. In appreciation of their contributions to the College of the Environment and in celebration of their achievements, the College has purchased and retired 400 carbon allowances for the more than 400 graduates in the Class of 2014.  Recognizing our students as the next generation of leaders in environmental science and decision-making, we believe this is a contribution that showcases our collective commitment to the sustainability and well-being of our society and our planet. 

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College of the Environment awards first Hall Conservation Genetics Research Awards

DNA (photo: Pixabay)

The College of the Environment is pleased to announce Meryl Mims and Charlie Waters—both of the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences—as the first recipients of the Hall Conservation Genetics Research Award, which is made possible by a generous gift from the Benjamin and Margaret Hall Charitable Lead Trust. Meryl is doctoral candidate working on a project entitled “Conservation genetics of a Distinct Population Segment of the cryptic dryland amphibian Hyla wrightorum (the Arizona treefrog)” along with her faculty advisor Julian Olden. 

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Congratulations to our 2014-15 scholarship and fellowship recipients

The College of the Environment Dean’s Office is pleased to announce our 2014-2015 scholarship and fellowship awardees. Graduate and undergraduate students alike compete for multiple funds available and are able to apply them towards tuition and costs in the coming academic year. The Dean’s Office offers numerous scholarship and fellowship opportunities to match the diverse needs of our students and this year over $90,000 was awarded to a total of 23 students. 

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Meet our College of the Environment faculty

Get to know our faculty.

The College of the Environment is pleased to launch the new faculty section of our website. This section is meant to introduce you to the outstanding faculty throughout the College of the Environment and get to know the kinds of research that they engage in on a daily basis. There are multiple options to sort and filter, including by department and school, as well as broad research topic. 

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