114 news posts related to Awards and Honors

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2018 Hall Conservation Genetics Research Fund winners announced

DNA (photo: Pixabay)

UW Environment is pleased to announce that School of Environmental and Forest Sciences’ students Taylor Ganz and Lila Westreich and the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences’ Marta Gomez-Buckley are recipients of the 2018 Hall Conservation Genetics Research Fund. The fund is made possible by a generous gift from the Benjamin and Margaret Hall Charitable Lead Trust. Taylor Ganz Advisor: Laura Prugh Using forensic DNA analysis to identify the species and individual predator at white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), mule deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and elk (Cervus elaphus) kill sites, the project will quantify the degree of specialization within predators, applying recently developed techniques in wildlife forensics to inform the conservation and management of Washington’s wildlife. 

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Aquatic and Fishery Sciences' Chelsea Wood receives 2018 Distinguished Teaching Award

Aquatic and Fishery Sciences' Chelsea Wood

Congratulations to UW Environment’s Chelsea Wood! The assistant professor at UW’s School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences was recently selected to receive the 2018 Distinguished Teaching Award. She will be honored at the UW’s Awards of Excellence ceremony on June 7, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. in Meany Hall. The UW community and general public are invited to attend. Distinguished Teaching Award recipients are chosen based on a variety of criteria, including mastery of the subject matter, enthusiasm and innovation in teaching and learning process, ability to engage students both within and outside the classroom, ability to inspire independent and original thinking in students and to stimulate students to do creative work, and innovations in course and curriculum design. 

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Earth and Space Sciences' Tyler Valentine honored by Goldwater Foundation

Earth and Space Sciences' Tyler Valentine

Three University of Washington undergraduates—including Tyler Valentine, a junior in the College of the Environment’s Department of Earth and Space Sciences—are among 211 students nationwide named as 2018 Goldwater Scholars. One UW student received honorable mention. Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships are awarded to students who have “outstanding potential” and plan to pursue research careers in mathematics, natural sciences or engineering. The awards cover tuition, room and board, fees and books up to $7,500 annually for one or two years. 

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Three UW Innovation Awards given to UW Environment faculty

College of the Environment faculty received all three of the University of Washington’s Innovation Awards for 2018. The awards are designed to stimulate innovation among faculty from a range of disciplines and to reward some of their most novel ideas, and are made possible by generous donors. Knut Christianson and Michelle Koutnik from the Earth and Space Sciences, along with David Shean from Civil and Environmental Engineering, were awarded $300,000 over two years to “build a digital glacier time machine” that will generate a high-resolution, 3-D time series of how glaciers have changed over time to help understand the future of water resources in the western United States. 

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