57 posts of type: Event

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Governor Inslee and Dean Graumlich to be on climate panel, April 1

Join us on April 1 for Climate Action Goes To Washington (State): Energy Solutions in the Pacific Northwest. The event will feature Washington Governor Jay Inslee, College of the Environment Dean Lisa Graumlich, and other distinguished leaders for a discussion on the future of clean industry. The recent agreement between Washington state, British Columbia, Oregon and California to harmonize their climate and energy policies has the potential both to accelerate greenhouse gas reductions and to catalyze a strong, clean, and resilient economy.  

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Inuit leader Sheila Watt-Cloutier visits UW

Sheila Watt-Cloutier

The successful Future of Ice Speaker Series came to a close on March 11 with a visit from Sheila Watt-Cloutier, a Canadian Inuit leader who spoke about how our planet’s changing climate is deeply affecting the Inuit culture and way of life. Watt-Cloutier routinely travels the globe, drawing attention to the issue of climate change using a human lens to talk about impacts. 

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Dee Boersma talks penguins at the Future of Ice Speaker Series

Penguin swimming under water

The fifth event in the Future of Ice Speaker Series featured Dee Boersma, a UW scientist who has spent her career studying the ecology of our world’s penguins. Much of her time is spent in Punto Tombo, Argentina, focused on a large population of Magellanic penguins. She and her team have collected an impressive time-series of data on these birds–over 30 years–which has proved instrumental in understanding penguin ecology and the pressures that affect them. 

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National Geographic photographer speaks at the Future of Ice Seminar Series

Paul Nicklen

The Future of Ice Speaker Series continued last week with a visit from Paul Nicklen, National Geographic photographer and extreme adventurer. His day on campus was spent visiting with students, faculty, and staff to talk about his storytelling mission though photography and sharing firsthand accounts about the global changes he is seeing. His visit was capped with a 500+ person audience in Kane Hall to hear his tales of frozen and wild landscapes, and to be transported through his pictures of the fantastic animals that live in these environments. 

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