Nanometer-scale image reveals new details about formation of marine shells

This foraminifera is just starting to form its adult spherical shell. The calcium carbonate spherical shell first forms on a thin organic template, shown here in white, around the dark juvenile skeleton. Calcium carbonate spines then extend from the juvenile skeleton through the new sphere and outward. The bright flecks are algae that the foraminifera “farm” for sustenance.

Unseen out in the ocean, countless single-celled organisms grow protective shells to keep them safe as they drift along, living off other tiny marine plants and animals. Taken together, the shells are so plentiful that when they sink they provide one of the best records for the history of ocean chemistry. Oceanographers at the University of Washington, the University of California, Davis and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have used modern tools to provide an atomic-scale look at how that shell first forms. 

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Unleashing the Husky Experience through UW's new philanthropic campaign

The School of Environmental and Forest Sciences' Anthony Martinez ('17) and the Department of Earth and Space Sciences' Tyler Valentine ('18) are blazing innovative new trails in their fields. Both students' dreams are being supported by scholarships offered through the College of the Environment and their programs.

Environmental and Forest Sciences' Anthony Martinez ('17) and Earth and Space Sciences' Tyler Valentine ('18) are blazing innovative new trails in their fields. Both students' dreams are being supported by scholarships offered through the University of Washington. As part of its new campaign, UW seeks to raise funds to support even more scholarships, unique programs and research opportunities.

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The Great Barrier Reef, Mars, and more

Each week we share the latest peer-reviewed publications coming from the College of the Environment. Over the past week, nine new articles co-authored by members of the College were added to the Web of Science database. They include articles about the Great Barrier Reef, Mars, and more. Read on!

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A summer of science communication in Alaska's Prince William Sound

UW Environment grad student Amy Brodbeck.

In a plane flying over Alaska’s stunning Prince William Sound, the pilot and crew keep their eyes peeled for schooling groups of herring. The fish are easy to spot from above as they congregate here and there along the shoreline. Each cluster behaves in its own unique way, allowing scientists to tell one group from another. Amy Brodbeck, a graduate student in the UW College of the Environment’s School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, is among those searching for the fishy cohorts. 

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Morel mushrooms pop up, cluster together after wildfires

The researchers collected morels in the forest that burned in Yosemite National Park. Current park regulations allow the collection of 1 pint per person per day.

Avid mushroom hunters will tell you that fire is essential for finding morels. These fungi, distinguishable for their dark, honeycomblike caps, pop out of the ground by the bushel in spring after a large wildfire. This ecological knowledge is mostly anecdotal, shared among morel enthusiasts for recreational hunts and commercial harvesting, in what is now a multimillion-dollar, worldwide industry. Yet few scientific studies have actually quantified morels’ abundance after a fire. 

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