A haven for research in the South Pacific, Tetiaroa offers new insights on tropical ecosystems

four people look up into the trees

College of the Environment researchers have been working on Tetiaroa since 2013 to better understand and protect marine ecosystems. Projects range from learning the behavior of young sharks to understanding where seabirds go for their daily meals. Learn more about the research in this feature story.

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S2 E1: Alison Duvall and Tectonic Geomorphology

alison duvall holds a rock standing in a river

Season 2 of FieldSound, the official UW College of the Environment podcast, launches today with this episode! Be sure to like, share and subscribe to catch a new episode each Tuesday. In this episode, Associate Professor of Earth and Space Sciences Alison Duvall shares about tectonic geomorphology, her work with the Cascadia CoPes Hub to increase knowledge about natural hazards and empower communities to build resilience in the face of environmental change, and her path to becoming a scientist. 

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UW partners with White House and others to examine campus and community-scale climate change solutions

In spring 2023, thought leaders from colleges and universities across the country convened in Washington, D.C., to discuss how the higher education community is responding to changes in our global climate, and how collectively they can meet the unprecedented challenge of climate change facing the nation and the world. Named the Forum and Workshop on Campus and Community-Scale Climate Change Solutions, the group explored innovative sustainability and resilience solutions being developed, demonstrated and taught on campuses and how these solutions can be expanded to and implemented on other campuses in the surrounding communities and beyond. 

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