Ocean Health Index a "Dow Jones" for the global ocean - Nature

This week a team of marine researchers have published an index to assesses overall ocean vitality. The index, described this week in Nature, comprises ten separate measures that are aggregated into a single score of how well the seas are doing. The ten measures — which assess features such as food provision, carbon storage, tourism value and biodiversity — were chosen to reflect both the needs of humans and ecosystem sustainability. 

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Detection dogs sniff spotted owls who quiet down with barred owl invasion - UW News

A series of forest searches by dogs specially trained to sniff out northern spotted owl pellets – the undigested bones, fur and other bits regurgitated by owls – improved the probability of finding the owls by nearly 30 percent over a series of traditional vocalization surveys. This is important, as spotted owls may be adapting to the invasion of barred owls by vocalizing less. 

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No more glaciers? Imagine that - Seattle Times

“Eight years until “Glacier National Park” is just “National Park.” The ice had been the lure to get the family to go see the great glaciers before they’re gone. But I misjudged how far gone they already are. As did the scientists.”  Read more on this piece by Danny Westneat of the Seattle Times. 

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University of Washington again named as one of America's "cool schools" - UW News

Sierra Magazine, the official publication of the Sierra Club, once again placed the University of Washington in the top echelon in the country for its initiatives to operate sustainably and limit its contributions to global warming. This is the fifth year the UW has been among the top-ranked schools; it was first last year. Read more here; also check out the complete list of “cool schools”. 

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