Doris Duke Charitable Foundation announces new grants to support conservation research experiences for undergrads

Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at the University of Washington launching Summer 2014 The goal of the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at the University of Washington, a multi-year conservation immersion program, is to broaden participation within conservation and diversify what it means to be a “conservation professional.” They are looking for 20-25 freshmen and sophomores to join an eight week immersion course this summer. 

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Mantas, devil rays butchered for apothecary trade now identifiable

Since dried filters from the mouths of filter-feeding rays hit apothecary shop menus in  Asia – the thought being that eating ground-up filters will cleanse one’s liver – there’s been no way to know which of these gentle-natured rays was being slaughtered. Unlike predatory rays that attack and crush prey with their mouths, the filter-feeder rays eat plankton particles, larvae and fish eggs that they sieve from seawater. 

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Science Communication Clinic offered for students this fall

This 4-week, fast-paced workshop is designed for graduate students (2nd year or later) who are on the cusp of publishing their science and have a strong desire to get their messages out beyond the ivory tower. Students will better understand the latest research on effective science communication and engagement; learn tools for developing clear messages about complex research findings; and practice talking about what they do – and it why matters – in clear, lively terms. 

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