Environment students win grand prize with innovative gardening product

The grand prize winners at the Alaska Airlines Environmental Innovation Challenge proved to judges that gardening and innovation go together naturally. BioPots took home the $15,000 Wells Fargo prize with their biodegradable planter pots made from biomass waste like spent beer grains. A team including students from the Bioresource Science and Engineering program captured the top prize ahead of 22 other teams from universities in Washington and Oregon. 

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Bowhead whales, the ‘jazz musicians’ of the Arctic, sing many different songs

A bowhead whale surfaces in Fram Strait, to the northwest of Norway.

A University of Washington study has published the largest set of recordings for bowhead whales to discover that these marine mammals have a surprisingly diverse, constantly shifting vocal repertoire. The study, published April 4 in Biology Letters, a journal of the United Kingdom’s Royal Society, analyzed audio recordings gathered year-round east of Greenland. This population of bowhead whales was hunted almost to extinction in the 1600s and was recently estimated at about 200 animals. 

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Earth and Space Sciences' Tyler Valentine honored by Goldwater Foundation

Earth and Space Sciences' Tyler Valentine

Three University of Washington undergraduates—including Tyler Valentine, a junior in the College of the Environment’s Department of Earth and Space Sciences—are among 211 students nationwide named as 2018 Goldwater Scholars. One UW student received honorable mention. Barry M. Goldwater Scholarships are awarded to students who have “outstanding potential” and plan to pursue research careers in mathematics, natural sciences or engineering. The awards cover tuition, room and board, fees and books up to $7,500 annually for one or two years. 

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