UW experts call Paris climate agreement 'bold,' 'encouraging'

The agreement, reached Dec. 12 in Paris, establishes goals for reducing carbon emissions by 2020.

World leaders gathered in Paris in December to forge a global agreement to limit planet-warming carbon emissions. Similar summits had been held before, but the event was the first this century to end with an international agreement. The U.S., China and other countries will sign the document into law on Friday—appropriately enough, Earth Day. The Paris talks were attended by thousands of delegates, including four undergraduates from the University of Washington. 

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Aquatic and Fishery Sciences’ Ray Hilborn receives 2016 Award of Excellence

The School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences' Ray Hilborn.

Congratulations to the College of the Environment’s Ray Hilborn! The professor of aquatic and fishery sciences was recently selected as the 2016-2017 University Faculty Lecturer by UW President Ana Mari Cauce and Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Jerry Baldasty. Nominated by his colleagues and collaborators, this recognition shines a special light on Hilborn’s positive contribution to the scientific process as it affects fisheries from local to global scales. 

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UW Environment students awarded 2016 Bonderman Travel Fellowships

Fifteen University of Washington students were recently awarded prestigious Bonderman Travel Fellowships, including two from the College of the Environment. The award will enable the School of Aquatic and Fishery Science’s Griffin Hoins and Samantha Murphy to embark on solo journeys that are at least eight months long and take them to at least two regions and six countries around the world. 

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