New faculty and recent faculty promotions at UW Environment (2017-2018)

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New faculty at UW Environment Sixteen outstanding new faculty members with a wide range of experiences and expertise have recently started or will soon start at UW’s College of the Environment. The College community — its undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff — will benefit immensely from their contributions during the 2017-2018 academic year and beyond. The College’s impressive group of scientists and researchers now includes: Andrew Berdahl, assistant professor, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Edward Blanchard, research assistant professor, Atmospheric Sciences Greg Bratman, assistant professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences Randelle (Randie) Bundy, assistant professor, Oceanography Shuyi Chen, professor, Atmospheric Sciences Sarah Converse, associate professor, Environmental and Forest Sciences and Aquatic and Fishery Sciences T.J. 

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Study points to win-win for spotted owls and forest management

Two spotted owls sitting on a tree branch.

Remote sensing technology has detected what could be a win for both spotted owls and forestry management, according to a study led by the University of California, Davis, the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station and the University of Washington. For 25 years, many forests in the western United States have been managed to protect habitat for endangered and threatened spotted owls. 

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Hacking a pressure sensor to track gradual motion along marine faults

The modified pressure sensor is now being tested at the bottom of Monterey Bay.

Deep below the ocean’s surface, shielded from satellite signals, the gradual movement of the seafloor — including along faults that can unleash deadly earthquakes and tsunamis — goes largely undetected. As a result, we know distressingly little about motion along the fault that lies just off the Pacific Northwest coast. University of Washington oceanographers are working with a local company to develop a simple new technique that could track seafloor movement in earthquake-prone coastal areas. 

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