New Food website unveiled

Foodie: n. A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation. Seattle is full of foodies, and a particular focus of our foodie culture is sustainability. UW is full of foodies too: faculty, staff and students across campus departments and schools study and teach about food, agriculture, and the implications of our global food system. 

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Extremophiles! - This week's CoEnv published research

Each week we share the latest publications coming from the College of the Environment. Over the holiday weeks, three new articles co-authored by members of the College of the Environment were added to the Web of Science or published online. 1. Title: Genomic analysis of cold-active Colwelliaphage 9A and psychrophilic phage-host interactions (Abstract only; subscription required for full text) Authors: Colangelo-Lillis, Jesse R.[ 

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Greenland ice core provides unprecedented view of paleoclimate

A new study by an international team of over 130 scientists has shed light on the climate, and ice, of the prehistoric past. Utilizing new techniques for ice dating, the team–including ESS‘ Edwin Waddington and Michelle Koutnik–found that temperatures during the peak interglacial period about 125,000 years ago were quite warm, yet the Greenland ice sheet melted less than previously thought. 

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