Dwindling waterways challenge desert fish in warming world

Speckled dace

One of Arizona’s largest watersheds – home to many native species of fish already threatened by extinction – is providing a grim snapshot of what could happen to watersheds and fish in arid areas around the world as climate warming occurs. New research by scientists in the College of the Environment and Ohio State University suggests that by 2050, one-fifth more streams will dry up along the Verde River Basin in Arizona each season, and at least a quarter more days with no water flow — a problem when fish are trying to reach spawning habitats and refuges where water still remains. 

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David Battisti, Qiang Fu elected fellows of American Geophysical Union

David Battisti and Qiang Fu

The College of the Environment congratulates two professors — David Battisti and Qiang Fu — on their election as fellows to the American Geophysical Union (AGU). The organization’s mission is to “promote discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity.” They join the ranks of several other faculty in the College that have been honored as AGU fellows as well. 

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Students craft forest stewardship plan in partnership with King County

Student participants

The College of the Environment is full of opportunities for students to try their hand at solving real world problems that come with managing natural resources. This past spring, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences students partnered with King County to develop a forest stewardship plan for the newly acquired Black Diamond Natural Area. Taking into account the property’s multiple uses, students addressed the social, economic, and environmental issues that will serve the county’s needs for the long term. 

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Atlantic Ocean caught storing heat for decades, creating global warming "staircase"

Warming Hiatus

Following rapid warming in the late 20th century, this century has so far seen surprisingly little increase in the average temperature at the Earth’s surface. At first this was a blip, then a trend, then a puzzle for the climate science community. New research co-authored by Ka-Kit Tung, a UW professor of applied mathematics and adjunct faculty member in atmospheric sciences, has found that the Atlantic Ocean has stored much of the missing heat, as part of a natural cycles. 

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UW program aims to diversify the conservation workforce

Doris Duke Conservation Scholars at UW are helping define how diverse groups shape conservation.

The Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program at UW wrapped up its inaugural year on August 14 in a symposium where students shared their experiences over the course of the summer. Focusing on the intersection of environment and society, the students spoke about the issues surrounding climate, water, biodiversity and food. Instead of learning about these topics solely in the classroom, a majority of their time was spent in the field around Washington state, including in our urban environments, along the coast, up in the mountains, and in the agricultural fields on the eastern side of the state. 

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