Blue Ribbon Panel warns of ocean acidification – KPLU

Ocean acidification is affecting our state’s oyster industry, and has been for seven years. That’s why Governor Gregoire put together a Blue Ribbon Panel for Ocean Acidification, which met on Wednesday to discuss the nature and implications of ocean acidification in Washington. Many of our CoEnv scientists sit on the panel. Read more here. 

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Scientist shares expertise of Puget Sound pollution - HeraldNet

One Mukilteo resident has been sharing his decades of marine science and policy expertise by volunteering with the Snohomish County Marine Resources Advisory Committee. His day job is an environmental compliance analyst, but in his free time UW alum Lincoln Loehr has helped analyze reams of data from mussels collected along the shoreline, contributing key insights into the pollution patterns in Puget Sound. 

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Science on display this weekend at FHL - San Juan Journal

As this article puts it, it’s not every community that has a world-class research facility in its back yard — and, it’s not every day that you get to explore such a facility! Check out Friday Harbor Labs’ labs, vessels, and grounds on Saturday May 19th when the whole area will be open to the public, with tours, talks and more. 

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