Letter from the Dean

The state of the planet has been in the news with the release of the 2013 United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment report. Not surprisingly, a key finding is that our planet’s frozen landscapes and seascapes face an uncertain future. This is an issue of global concern because the glaciers and sea ice at high latitudes are not only crucial sources of fresh water, habitats for unique species, and home to many diverse cultures, but also play a key role in the climate system. 

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Love Purple, Raise Gold

1,152 donors for 152 years Celebrate UW’s 152 years and help us reach the goal of 1,152 donors with a gift to any fund during our 48-hour online giving event. Whether you give $5 or $152, don’t miss out on this chance to join in, make an impact and show your love for UW! Join us any time between 1:52 p.m. 

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High-tech mission explores the ocean floor

Ocean Observatory

Oceanographers at the College of the Environment recently returned from sea, engaging in cutting-edge research that will yield new insights into how our oceans work.  Part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative, the work involves wiring the seafloor to have a continuous presence in the Pacific Ocean which allows scientists to monitor conditions in real time.  Read more about this work and watch a video that shows some of what the scientists are seeing on the bottom of the ocean. 

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Shutdown hampering earthquake monitoring in Washington

seismometer and readout

As we near the end of the second week of the shutdown of the federal government, it’s fortunate that earthquake activity has been low in Washington state. With one third of the scientists at the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network on furlough, the ability to maintain equipment, let alone response and analysis in the event of an earthquake, is significantly hampered, says PNSN Director and ESS professor, John Vidale. 

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10-year tree responses to soil and vegetation changes, ozone pollution in wintry oil/gas extraction areas

Weekly Published Research

Each week we share the latest publications coming from the College of the Environment. In the past week, two new articles co-authored by members of the College of the Environment were added to the Web of Science. 1. Title: Tree growth ten years after residual biomass removal, soil compaction, tillage, and competing vegetation control in a highly-productive Douglas-fir plantation 2. Title: Ozone photochemistry in an oil and natural gas extraction region during winter: simulations of a snow-free season in the Uintah Basin, Utah (OPEN ACCESS!)

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