Pristine air over Southern Ocean suggests early industrial era’s clouds not so different from today’s

Isabel McCoy directing cloud sampling while serving as a flight scientist during the 2018 SOCRATES campaign.

A new study uses satellite data over the Southern Hemisphere to understand the makeup of global clouds since the Industrial Revolution. This research tackles one of the largest uncertainties in today’s climate models — the long-term effect of tiny atmospheric particles on climate change. Research led by the University of Washington and the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom uses remote, pristine parts of the Southern Hemisphere as a window into the early-industrial atmosphere. 

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Keeping our beaches clean and healthy with Washington Sea Grant

Pumpout Paddlers

You might not know it, but danger for saltwater plants and animals lurks on every single beach — from the white sand beaches of the Caribbean to the rockier beaches found along the Washington coastline, and every beach in between. Plastic debris and other trash left behind by beachgoers ends up in the sand and water, eventually making their way into the stomachs or around the necks of our favorite marine animals. 

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David Montgomery elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences in 2020

David R. Montgomery

David Montgomery, professor of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington, has been elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences, according to an announcement July 15 by the academy. The new members are lauded for “their outstanding record of scientific and technical achievement and their willingness to work on behalf of the academy to bring the best available science to bear on issues within the state of Washington.” 

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Sustainability in the time of COVID-19

Kristi Straus’ Environment 239 class dives deep into many aspects of sustainability.

Remember to bring a reusable bag when you go grocery shopping. Bring a reusable mug when you go to a coffee shop. Shop your closet or thrift your clothes whenever you can. For many people, sustainable actions like these have become second nature. With new COVID-19 regulations limiting the use of reusable or “pre-loved” products, many of us are left wondering how we can still practice sustainable behavior in our daily lives. 

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