UW, local company building innovative deep-sea manned submarine

For the past 70 years, the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory has conducted ocean research and engineering. Now they are teaming up with a local submersible company to build an innovative five-person submarine that would travel to almost 2 miles below the ocean’s surface. When completed in 2016, it will be the first deep-sea manned submersible project for the UW. 

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Research feels the pinch of government shutdown

Arctic Ice

Closure of the federal government has consequences for many, including those who oversee research programs at the University of Washington.  The Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) – a partnership between UW and the federal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – is one such unit that is directly affected.  JISAO Director Tom Ackerman talks about what’s at stake in Crosscut. 

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Fall chinook swimming up Columbia River set record

The largest fall migration of Chinook salmon in decades is headed up the Columbia River. In fact, the number of adult fish that have passed the Bonneville Lock and Dam surpassed one million last week.  Read more about these iconic Pacific Northwest fish navigating the Columbia in the Seattle Times. 

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UW researchers helped draft international assessment of climate change

College of the Environment researchers helped author the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, released on September 30, 2013, that details the physical basis for global climate change. The massive undertaking largely reaffirms the findings from previous IPCC assessments while also adding more information about climate change’s effects on oceans. See below for UW-affiliated scientists that contributed to the report, and read more about what UW scientists have to say about this assessment in UW Today. 

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Why do we keep hearing global fisheries are collapsing?

Fish in market

Some marine scientists say many of the world’s fish stocks are nearing collapse, but the data suggest otherwise. So why is the media still reporting that we’re on the verge of a fisheries collapse?  Read more, including an essay by Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Professor Ray Hilborn, on Mother Nature Network. 

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