Greenland ice cores show industrial record of acid rain, success of U.S. Clean Air Act

The rise and fall of acid rain is a global experiment whose results are preserved in the geologic record. By analyzing samples from the Greenland ice sheet, University of Washington atmospheric scientists found clear evidence of the U.S. Clean Air Act. They also discovered a link between air acidity and how nitrogen is preserved in layers of snow, according to a paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 

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Hall Conservation Genetic Research Award: applications due April 16

Flowering Red Currant

The College of the Environment is pleased to announce the new Hall Conservation Genetic Research Award, designed specifically to support graduate students working in the field of conservation genetics.  Any funded project must be completed in its entirety within the funding year, and a scholarly research product–like a manuscript submitted to peer-reviewed journal, presentation at a national or international scientific society conference–must result from the work. 

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College Advisory Board member Denis Hayes in Northwest Prime Time

Denis Hayes

The College of the Environment is fortunate to have a tremendously talented group of individuals that make up our Advisory Board–and Denis Hayes is one of them. He is the President of the Bullitt Foundation, an organization whose mission is to safeguard the natural environment by promoting responsible human activities and sustainable communities in the Pacific Northwest. Notably, the Bullitt Foundation’s headquarters are housed in the brand new Bullitt Center, billed as the greenest commercial building in the world. 

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Call for Abstracts! 5th Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference

Western North America

The Program Committee for the Fifth Annual Pacific Northwest (PNW) Climate Science Conference invites abstracts for oral and poster presentations at contributed paper sessions, as well as proposals for special sessions, for a range of topics related to regional climate, climate impacts, and climate adaptation science and practice. All submissions are due by 11:00 pm PST on Friday, April 25, 2014. 

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Dean Graumlich appears with Governor Inslee and others on climate panel

Climate Action Goes To Washington: Energy Solutions in the Pacific Northwest featured Washington Governor Jay Inslee, College of the Environment Dean Lisa Graumlich, Grist senior writer David Roberts, and Paul Shukovsky, the Pacific Northwest correspondent for Bloomberg BNA. Moderated by journalist Chris Mooney, the panel discussion centered on climate change and what is being done to address it in Washington State and along the west coast. 

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