UW students restoring portal into Lake Washington’s past

Western Red Cedar Cones (photo: Walter Siegmund)

Yesler Swamp is emerging as a great example of what once was a common feature on our local landscape, thanks to efforts lead by professor Kern Ewing in the College of the Environment’s School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. Student groups and others are working to restore the area to what it was nearly 150 years ago, a swamp dominated by western red cedar. 

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Marine apprenticeships give UW undergrads role in animal-ancestor breakthrough

Studetn working on the genome project (Photo: UW)

Comb jellies – and not sponges – may lay claim as the earliest ancestors of animals, according to Billie Swalla, University of Washington professor of biology an interim director of Friday Harbor Laboratories. Her contributions helped decode the genomic blueprints for 10 ctenophore – or comb jelly – species, an analysis that suggests these beautiful sea creatures form the first branch on the animal kingdom’s tree of life. 

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Environmental and Forest Sciences alumnus honored at White House

Scot Medbury and Chidi Duke accepting the medal on behalf of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden (photo: IMLS)

President of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Scot Medbury, an alumnus of the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, met with First Lady Michelle Obama to receive the National Medal for Museum and Library Service on behalf of his organization. Medbury, whose graduate studies at UW focused on the history of the Washington Park Arboretum, oversees the botanic garden and executes its programs with a mission to “inspire people of all ages through the conservation, display, and enjoyment of plants.” 

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Meet our College of the Environment faculty

Get to know our faculty.

The College of the Environment is pleased to launch the new faculty section of our website. This section is meant to introduce you to the outstanding faculty throughout the College of the Environment and get to know the kinds of research that they engage in on a daily basis. There are multiple options to sort and filter, including by department and school, as well as broad research topic. 

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Task force to develop ‘Blueprint’ of action for Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management

Fishing vessel at work (photo: Jom)

Managing marine fisheries from an ecosystem perspective is a unique challenge, one that is bringing together numerous scientists on a new task force to move the science on this issue forward. Dubbed the Fishery Ecosystem Task Force, the group—funded by the Lenfest Ocean Program—will conduct their work under the leadership of Tim Essington from the College of the Environment’s School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. 

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