September launch could give UW team rare measurements of ‘dusty plasmas’

Forward section of the experimental rocket.

Researchers from the University of Washington are awaiting the launch an over 50-foot-long rocket from a launch site in Norway into the upper reaches of the atmosphere to observe and measure a puzzling phenomenon. This scientific mission, led and funded by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, will simultaneously create and observe “dusty plasmas” in Earth’s outer atmosphere. These hot, charged clouds of ions, electrons and dust form and dissipate naturally when swift-moving objects move through the atmosphere — from a satellite launching into orbit to a meteorite burning up in the atmosphere. 

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Finding Friday Harbor

Photo: Nick Bolton

At the College of the Environment, boundless field opportunities await our students and researchers. The Friday Harbor Laboratories are a research gateway to the Pacific, where you can foster your skills as a marine biologist, oceanographer, or in any number of ocean-related sciences. Sitting on the shores of Friday Harbor in the San Juan Archipelago, the labs are a renowned destination to immerse yourself in marine sciences as they relate to the Salish Sea. 

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Climate change could leave Pacific Northwest amphibians high and dry

A typical mountain wetland in the Pacific Northwest.

Far above the wildfires raging in Washington’s forests, a less noticeable consequence of this dry year is taking place in mountain ponds. The minimal snowpack and long summer drought that have left the Pacific Northwest lowlands parched have also affected the region’s amphibians through loss of mountain pond habitat. According to a new paper published Sept. 2 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE, this summer’s severe conditions may be the new normal within just a few decades. 

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Poplar trees are best bet for biofuel in UW-led research project

Poplar chips

Groves of poplar trees could one day fuel our vehicles and be the source of chemicals that we use in our daily lives. A five-year, $40 million study is laying the foundation for a Pacific Northwest industry that converts sustainably produced poplar feedstock into fuels and chemicals. The research, led by the University of Washington, will seed the world’s first wood-based cellulosic ethanol production facility. 

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Atmospheric Sciences’ Cecilia Bitz to be inducted into WA State Academy of Sciences

Old Growth Forest

In recognition of her outstanding record of scientific achievement, Cecilia M. Bitz from the College’s Department of Atmospheric Sciences will be inducted into the Washington State Academy of Sciences this fall. A physicist who studies the role that Arctic sea ice plays in shaping the climate, Bitz is interested in both our planet’s climate history and its future. Bitz and 11 other inductees from across the University of Washington will be honored for their “willingness to work on behalf of the academy” to bring top-quality scientific methods to research issues pertaining to the state of Washington. 

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