Congratulations to five College of the Environment students recognized in the 2024 Husky 100!

The Husky 100 actively connect what happens inside and outside of the classroom and apply what they learn to make a difference on campus, in their communities and for the future. Through their passion, leadership and commitment, these students inspire all of us to shape our own Husky Experience.

Included in this year’s Husky 100 are Maysen Westling and Tiffany Shin from the Program on the Environment, Chris Mantegna from the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Aisha Rashid from the School of Oceanography and Marine Biology and Samantha Lynn also of Marine Biology.

Buckley, WA
B.A. Environmental Studies

My time at the UW has allowed me to engage with a diverse community and discover my interest in the intersection of humans and the environment including environmental policy and climate justice. As an Environmental Studies student, I have gained interdisciplinary skills to analyze both the social and scientific impacts of environmental issues. My experiences in academic research, community engagement and my internship have given me the tools to pursue a career in environmental policy.




Baltimore, MD
Ph.D. Aquatic and Fishery Sciences

Moving through the world both invisible and hyper-visible simultaneously honed my skills in observation and interrogation, community building and creating joy. As a Black woman holding several underrepresented intersections, finding reflections of myself have been difficult in the marine science space, so I have taken my existing skills and those I’m gaining at the UW to create a bridge between our waterways and the communities most impacted by water pollution. Ultimately, my goal is to use the relationships I’m building and my training as a marine molecular ecologist to support the environmental literacy, investigation and agency of marginalized coastal communities.

Los Altos, CA
B.A. Oceanography
B.A. Marine Biology

From the moment I stepped onto the UW campus, I knew I wanted to be a scientist researching our oceans and pushing climate action. I have stayed true to a theme that developed during my freshman year: rising beyond the walls of my classroom and challenging my passion to make real change. As a minority in ocean science, I have firsthand experience noticing the lack of ocean education access around the world and have built an initiative with grammy-nominated rappers EARTHGANG to reach global audiences. Launching that non-profit, acting as co-chair of the College of Environment’s Student Advisory council, conducting research, and serving as Captain of the Equestrian team have allowed me to flourish into the leader and scientist I am today, so thank you UW – and Go Dawgs!

Hong Kong
B.A. Political Science; Environmental Studies

As a first-generation international college student, I have found a passion for integrating a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approach to environmental leadership for climate change. I hope to continue to drive innovation in expanding solar capacities on our campuses and connecting the school community with our shared cultural backgrounds. As I continue to pursue a career in international environmental governance, I am excited to blend the Husky experience with opportunities to improve our collective environments.





Seattle, WA
B.S. Marine Biology; Interdisciplinary Honors
B.S. Biology

I am passionate about introducing people to new environments and wildlife conservation stories through science communication. From educating audiences in-person, behind the windows at the Burke Museum’s labs or through online video content, sharing the wonders of the natural world is my ultimate passion. My Husky Experience has been full of exciting opportunities to bolster my research skills and share findings with others, which I believe is an essential responsibility of scientists regardless of field.