Portrait of the UW GEODUC leadership team
Left to right: Kerry Naish, Mikelle Nuwer, LuAnne Thompson, José Guzmán, Jane Dolliver

We’re thrilled to share that the Marine Geoscience Education, Oceanographic Discovery, Undergraduate Collaboration (GEODUC) Scholars Program Team has been honored with the 2024 Distinguished Teaching Award for Teams from the University of Washington.

The team is comprised of:

Jane Dolliver (she/her), Program Manager, UW College of the Environment

José M. Guzmán (he/him), Associate Teaching Professor, UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences & Marine Biology, College of the Environment

Kerry-Ann Naish (she/her), Professor, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences & Marine Biology, College of the Environment

Mikelle Nuwer (she/her), Associate Teaching Professor, School of Oceanography, College of the Environment

LuAnne Thompson (she/her), Professor, School of Oceanography, College of the Environment

The GEODUC program welcomes UW transfer students with goals to support student learning and confidence in quantitative skills, and creating a supportive network while enhancing diversity in the Marine Sciences.