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App Feeds Scientists Atmospheric Data from Thousands of Smartphones – MIT Tech Review

An Android app that measures atmospheric pressure is now feeding that distributed data to scientists working on better ways to predict the weather.  The app, called Pressure Net, highlights the potential of distributed sensing using mobile devices and shows how the sophisticated sensors found in modern smartphones could be harnessed for research. It was launched in late 2011 By Jacob Sheehy, a software developer for Flighthub.com, 

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Antarctic warming raises sea level concerns - PRI

New research suggests that a key part of Antarctica is warming up fast; the finding could help change the outlook for sea level rise this century. ESS‘ Eric Steig is included in this interview; check out the audio, video, and transcript here! 

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New Food website unveiled

Foodie: n. A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation. Seattle is full of foodies, and a particular focus of our foodie culture is sustainability. UW is full of foodies too: faculty, staff and students across campus departments and schools study and teach about food, agriculture, and the implications of our global food system. 

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Extremophiles! - This week's CoEnv published research

Each week we share the latest publications coming from the College of the Environment. Over the holiday weeks, three new articles co-authored by members of the College of the Environment were added to the Web of Science or published online. 1. Title: Genomic analysis of cold-active Colwelliaphage 9A and psychrophilic phage-host interactions (Abstract only; subscription required for full text) Authors: Colangelo-Lillis, Jesse R.[ 

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