56 news posts related to Sustainability

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Moving from climate science to global action: reflections from Dean Emeritus Lisa Graumlich on COP27

sign welcoming participants to COP27

I’ve been thinking — and worrying — about climate change for a long time. In 1980, I came to the University of Washington to pursue a PhD, wrestling with the problem of detecting the fingerprint of human impact on the climate system. The topic held sway with my colleagues but had no traction with the general public. All that has changed, and that change is now visible in many ways across the globe. 

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Microtrash is a macro-problem

perspn picking up trash on beach

The sun is shining and the wind is keeping you cool as you relax on Lake Washington — ahhh, summer is finally here! The sand moves through your toes as you soak up the warm weather when that all too familiar experience jars you out of your summer lullaby… a cigarette butt, stuck in your toes where the sand should be cascading through. 

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UW Ocean Voices program, seeking equity in ocean science, gets key approval from United Nations

Yoshitaka Ota

Ocean Voices, a program of the University of Washington-based Nippon Foundation Ocean Nexus Center to advance equity in ocean science, has been named among the first group of actions taken in a United Nations-sponsored, decade-long program of ocean science for sustainable development. “The human relationship with oceans under current political economies is unsustainable, unstable and inequitable,” writes Yoshitaka Ota, director of the center. 

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