320 news posts related to Climate

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Rob Wood, recent AGU Ascent Award winner, to serve as the College’s Associate Dean for Research

Atmospheric Sciences' Robert Wood

The College is pleased to announce that Rob Wood, a professor in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences, has agreed to serve as the UW Environment’s Associate Dean for Research effective September 16, 2017. In this role he will foster multidisciplinary collaborations, promote and support the range of basic and applied research programs across the College and University, and help faculty identify opportunities to partner and collaborate with universities and research organizations around the U.S. 

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Earth's atmosphere more chemically reactive in cold climates

Becky Alexander in the cold room of the UW’s IsoLab with sections of an ice core. Her group is now analyzing ice cores from Antarctica to see if they show the same trend as in Greenland.

Unseen in the air around us are tiny molecules that drive the chemical cocktail of our atmosphere. As plants, animals, volcanoes, wildfires and human activities spew particles into the atmosphere, some of these molecules act as cleanup crews that remove that pollution. The main molecules responsible for breaking down all these emissions are called oxidants. The oxygen-containing molecules, mainly ozone and hydrogen-based detergents, react with pollutants and reactive greenhouse gases, such as methane.  

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