9 posts of type: Season 1

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S1 E4: Ecosystem Engineers with Laura Prugh


Laura Prugh, an associate professor of Quantitative Wildlife Sciences with the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, shares about her pursuit to understand connections in the environment. On this episode of FieldSound, Prugh’s work with the critically endangered Kangaroo Rats is highlighted. Known as the “ecosystem engineers” of the Carrizo Plain National Monument in Southern California, Kangaroo Rats play a crucial, complex role in their environment. 

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S1 E3: Stuck on You with Chelsea Wood

A microscope view of a schistosome cercariae, the larval stage of the parasitic flatworm responsible for the second most devastating socioeconomic disease on the planet next to malaria: schistosomiasis.

Chelsea Wood is an Associate Professor in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. She is a leader in the ecology of parasites and pathogens in freshwater and marine ecosystems, the ecological drivers of parasite transmission, and human impacts on parasites in a changing world. Wood discusses the fascinating world of parasites, their “Rube Goldberg-esque” life-cycles, and her recent study – the world’s largest and longest dataset of wildlife parasite abundance – that suggests parasites may be especially vulnerable to a changing climate. 

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S1 E2: Field Detectives with John Marzluff

John Marzluff with crow

John Marzluff is a professor of wildlife science in the UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences and renowned researcher studying the relationships between birds and humans. In 2022, Marzluff was named American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow, honored for advances in our understanding of how humans impact birds, and for communicating the importance of birds to the public. 

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S1 E1: Ocean Acoustics with Shima Abadi and Rachel Aronson

Clouds at sunset over the ocean.

Shima Abadi is Director of the Ocean Data Lab and an associate professor at the UW School of Oceanography. She also holds a joint appointment as an associate professor in the Mechanical Engineering Program at UW Bothell’s School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM). Abadi’s intricate research primarily focuses on ocean acoustical signal processing, noise propagation in the ocean, machine learning in analyzing ocean ambient noise, and developing algorithms for analyzing large data sets collected by underwater networks. 

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