Synchronized probes explore Bermuda Triangle’s swirling vortices – UW News

Some might say that University of Washington oceanographers did well to only lose one of 21 underwater probes, given that they were deployed near the notorious Bermuda Triangle, where boats and airplanes have been known to disappear without a trace. Oceanography‘s Tom Sanford is one of the researchers in this project. Read about this super cool project here. 

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Report predicts drier summers for eastern Washington -

How to meet the water needs for Eastern Washington’s communities, industry, crops and fisheries is the focus of a report recently finalized by the Washington Department of Ecology’s Office of Columbia River (OCR). The forecast evaluates likely changes in surface water supply and demand in Eastern Washington over the next 20 years. Check out this story; the Climate Impacts Group is mentioned. 

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Cool videos from Earth and Space Sciences - YouTube

Check out these cool videos, highlighting two Earth and Space Sciences courses, and created by ESS students. The videos were created to promote ESS courses, and do a great job of highlighting the exciting course offerings and fun associated projects. Watch a video about ESS 205 – Access to Space — here, featuring balloon launch. Watch a video about ESS 102 here, which includes rocket launch. 

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Novel scientific equipment will unlock ocean secrets for decades - UW Today

Like a seal that dives into the water over and over feeding on fish, sometime in the not-too-distant future sophisticated scientific equipment will start traveling from the ocean’s surface to 650 feet deep as often as eight times a day.  Along the way it will collect important data about ocean properties including currents, microorganisms and temperature, sending the information in real time to scientists sitting comfortably in their offices–and with updates it will do this for 25 years.  

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New research to help scientists better predict underwater volcanic eruptions - UW Today

A team of scientists studying last year’s eruption of Axial Seamount now says that the undersea volcano some 250 miles off the Oregon coast gave off clear signals hours before the eruption.  The findings, plus those from scientists who mapped the lava flow, are published this week in three separate articles in the journal Nature Geoscience.  To read more about this research, click here. 

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