Wow! 25 new coral reef fish found, with pictures – National Geographic

Several new coral reef fish species are making their debuts this month in a three-volume book set, Reef Fishes of the East Indies. Compiling more than 60 years of data, the new guide details 2,500 species of reef fish, doubling the number previously reported in the area.  Read more about this and check out some stunning pictures here! 

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NASA scientist ties heat waves to global warming - USA Today

Cliff Mass, professor of atmospheric sciences, offers a dissenting opinion to the new NASA study that ties increased instances of heat waves to global climate change. Mass says that heat waves are due to large-scale, naturally occurring weather patterns, which he says cannot be linked to climate change. Read more here. 

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Beyond 7 Billion...the next baby boom - LA Times

After remaining stable for most of human history, the world’s population has exploded over the last two centuries. The boom is not over: The biggest generation in history is just entering its childbearing years. The coming wave will reshape the planet, and the impact will be greatest in the poorest, most unstable countries.  Read more and see videos, maps, and pictures here. 

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