How well, and how poorly, we harvest ocean life – NY Times

Ray Hilborn – Professor, Aquatic and Fishery Sciences – recently authored a book entitled “Overfishing: what everyone needs to know”.  In it, he explores questions like What is overfishing?, How do we estimate the abundance of animals in the ocean?, and How will climate affect fish populations? to name a few.  Check out the recent New York Times book review of it here. 

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Conservation in the Anthropocene - Breakthrough Journal

Conservation heavy-hitters Peter Kareiva, Michelle Marvier, and Robert Lalasz recently discussed how conservation is losing the war to protect nature despite winning the battle to create parks and game preserves. In a new debate, a host of passionate 21st Century conservationists, including SAFS’ Ray Hilborn, face off with the authors over the resilience of nature, corporate partners, and the state of conservation today. 

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